Very soft meat stuffed with foot chickens grown in the foothills of the vast mountain air Inc. Raines International (Head Office: Nishi-Ku, Yokohama-shi, Representative Director and President root Toshikazu) is clear in “fags?” (national 70 stores * 3/2016 1 day time) and wind and water to ice, aged, ice-temperature aging chicken juicy offer (Monday) than 4/25 as oven or menu revised products.
Ice-temperature aging chicken thigh hoes roasted garlic baked 890 yen (tax excluded)
♦ “ice-temperature ageing chickens”
, Chicken feed and environment-conscious
Clear air and mountain chickens happy and healthy and raised by shepherds flat wind, clean water environment in use.
-By ice packed ice at temperatures below
Chickens grown in the ship immediately without the bone remains below 2 degrees in one evening “at temperatures below freezing” to be fleshy and soft, bring out the flavor and juicy.
, Which dismantled by the hands of skilled artisans
Hens night “ice at temperatures below” made by skilled craftsmen together together carefully to each part without waste dismantling.
-Distribution establishment of ice-chilled delivery
Will be changed to without the frozen ice at temperatures below the temperature control on the once frozen so far “at temperatures below freezing” that chicken was delivered to the stores, but a thorough good remains, ice packed in ice-temperature chilled delivery to distribution.
-Ice-chilled management thorough the store
With a chicken factory “ice-chilled delivery” was a stuffed ice offices in private cold store and the 1st three temperature-controlled. Ensure that always keep the ice temperature, keep always delicious.
, Spit, which hit stores in
Every day, store staff to which the skewer, always offer delicious grilled chicken.
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Ice-temperature aging chicken thigh hoes roasted garlic baked 890 yen (tax excluded)
Ice-temperature aging chicken thigh hoes baked rock salt 890 yen (tax excluded)
Ice-temperature aging chicken thigh hoes cooked Sukiyaki 890 yen (tax excluded)
Ice-temperature aging chicken thigh hoes grilled cheese grilled 890 yen (tax excluded)
Baked piece of ice-temperature aging chicken 890 yen (tax excluded)