Invite 100 people to a special screening of Episode 1 and a talk show by special guests by lottery Riot Games, Inc. (USA)'s Japanese subsidiary, Riot Games (Roppongi, Minato-ku, President / CEO: Shinji Komiyama) will head to the world on Netflix from 11:00 on Sunday, November 7, 2021 Japan time. An event "ARCANE DAY" to commemorate the release of the first anime series "Arcane" of the PC online game "League of Legends (LoL)" with a player population of over 100 million. Arcane Day) ”will be held at Bellesalle Akihabara (Akihabara, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo). Inviting 100 people by lottery at the "ARCANE DAY" event, in addition to the screening of episode […]
Author: planopiloto
Take a direct high-speed bus from Tsudanuma / Nishifunabashi / Akihabara to Gotemba Outlets. Operation starts on Saturday, October 16th.
Joint operation of Fuji Kyuko Tourism and Keisei Bus From Saturday, October 16, 2021, Fujikyuko Kanko Co., Ltd. and Keisei Bus Co., Ltd. of the Fujikyu Group will join "Tsudanuma Station / Nishifunabashi Station", "Akihabara Station" and "Gotemba Premium Outlets" (Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture). We will start operating two direct high-speed buses connecting the city). This high-speed bus will start operating with the aim of improving access to the "Gotemba Premium Outlets," which boasts the largest area in Japan, on a vast site where you can see Mt. Fuji, a world cultural heritage, in response to tourism and transportation demand. is. It takes about 100 minutes between the facility and Akihabara […]
[Renewal] The cafe “chano-ma Akihabara” has opened, where you can enjoy plates with plenty of vegetables and freshly made sweets in a relaxing space where you can relax at home!
-Renewal from "Ohashi Akihabara Bingu" on October 1st- Diamond Dining Co., Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary of DD Holdings Co., Ltd., reopened "Ohashi Akihabara Bingu" as "chano-ma Akihabara" on October 1, 2021. We will inform you as follows. While passing through a variety of approaches, in a thorough hospitality, for visitors to this place, cafe brand over chano-ma over which has been trying to offer my sincere relaxing moments The most evolved store has been reborn in the city of Akihabara, the cutting edge of world-class Japanese culture. chano-ma Akihabara -Welcome back to our home- Interact with people who eat Listen to music Relax Drink You will surely find your favorite […]
Announcing original collaboration goods to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Senbonzakura!
Eight goods using key visuals for the 10th anniversary of Senbonzakura will be on sale at the "Senbonzakura 10th ANNIVERSARY x Akihabara Wado" collaboration cafe from 9/30 (Thursday). Aurin Co., Ltd. announces that it has jointly planned an original collaboration goods commemorating the 10th anniversary of the song "Senbon Sakura" sung by Hatsune Miku with "Akihabara Wado" in Akihabara, Tokyo. From Thursday, September 30, 2021, it will be on sale at the "Senbonzakura 10th ANNIVERSARY x Akihabara Wado" collaboration cafe to be held at "Akihabara Wado" in Akihabara, Tokyo. Original collaboration goods to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the song "Senbon Sakura" sung by Hatsune Miku are on sale! In […]
多言語リモートガイドでコロナ禍に適した電動3輪自転車とVRでリアル✖️バーチャルの新感覚体験ツアー! 秋葉原の街を電動3輪自転車で巡るリアルとバーチャルの新感覚体験ツアーを10月4日から実施します。 参加者は、乗り物で移動しながら国家資格を持つ全国通訳案内士から密接を防ぐためリモートで街を案内され、停車した場所ではVR 動画でメイドカフェなど秋葉原のコンテンツを視聴体験できます。同時開催で英語オンラインツアーの世界配信を行います。 参加費は体験ツアー・オンラインツアーどちらも無料。専用サイトからご予約いただけます。予約サイト( ) 秋葉原の観光推進を目的として2007年に設立したNPO法人秋葉原観光推進協会(住所:東京都千代田区、理事長:泉 登美雄)は、電動アシスト自転車(シクロポリタン)を使いコロナ感染防止対策と地域観光資源の 磨き上げを目的とした「秋葉原ハイブリッド体験ツアー」を実施します。 ドライバーは運転だけで、コース案内は全国通訳案内がリモートで行い、VRゴーグルを装着して メイドカフェ体験や施設・店舗のバーチャル体験ができる新感覚ツアーです。電動アシスト旅客用三輪自転車に乗って新しい秋葉原が体験できます。 また、英語によるオンラインツアーも同時開催し、インターネット環境があればWeb上で全世界どこにいても秋葉原ハイブリッド体験ツアーに参加できます。 インターネット配信は10月4日から10月16日迄は予約制、10月17日以降はYouTubeにて公開配信します。 予約サイト( ) ※ 全国通訳案内士とは、海外から日本に来たお客さんを、外国語で国内の観光案内や通訳業務する案内士です。 制作協力は360°映像や著名声優等の番組制作、様々なアーティストのMV制作を手掛ける 株式会社Harete(住所:東京都千代田区、代表取締役 増山 涼夕) 秋葉原ハイブリッド体験ツアーではツアー用の映像制作から360°VR映像の制作、オンライン配信構築、電動アシスト自転車のデザイン制作を担当。URL: 期間終了後は、この様な仕組みを使ったツアー造成を行い地域活性化や消費拡大をサポートします。 <開催概要> 開催日時:10月4日(月)から10月31日(日) の28日間 / 1日3回運行 1回目 11時00分から12時00分 2回目 13時30分から14時30分 3回目 15時30分から16時30分 英語オンラインツアーも同時開催いたします。 雨天は中止(但し、小雨程度は運行します) 定員:各回2名(抽選)、オンラインの定員はありません コース:(a)歴史・文化コース (b)グルメコース (約1時間の周遊コースで(a)と(b)は、事前決定) 運行車両:電動アシスト自転車(シクロポリタン) 運行回数:1日3回 料金:無料 参加申込:予約サイト( ) 申込期限:9月30日(金) 17時まで (上限人数に到達しなかった場合追加で募集を行う場合があります。) 主催:NPO法人秋葉原観光推進協会 運営:株式会社新東海旅行 制作協力:株式会社Harete ○ツアーに関するお問い合わせ: 株式会社新東海旅行 担当河野 Tel: 03-5817-4425 Fax: 03-5817-4426 利用方法:抽選により定員2名を決め当選者に集合時間や場所などをご連絡いたします。 落選のご連絡はありませんのでご注意ください。 ※実証実験のため開催期間中でも、都合により募集や運行を変更・中止する場合があります。 小雨決行ですが、当日の天候によっては中止する場合がありますのでご注意ください。 また、中止になった場合の振替日は予定していませんのでご了承ください。 【主催】 法人名称:特定非営利活動法人秋葉原観光推進協会(Akihabara Tourism Promotion Association ) 所在地 :東京都千代田区神田佐久間町1-10-4F 理事長 :泉 登美雄 【運営】 法人名称:株式会社新東海旅行 所在地 :東京都台東区東上野1丁目2-13 代表取締役:河野 文元 【制作・協力】 法人名称:株式会社Harete 所在地:東京都千代田区外神田1-1-13万世橋出張所・区民館5F CTIB 501 代表取締役:増山涼夕 URL:
A support-only shop commemorating the 10th anniversary of MAPPA will be held sequentially from October 9th at Animate Nagoya, Osaka Nipponbashi, and Akihabara Main Building! Sale and exhibition of new MAPPA works !!
Animate Co., Ltd. will hold "MAPPA 10th ANNIVERSARY Since2011" in Animate from October 9th at Animate Nagoya, Osaka Nipponbashi, and Akihabara Main Building. "MAPPA" has produced animations for many popular works such as "Kids on the Slope", "Yuri !!! on ICE", "Zombie Land Saga", "Attack on Titan The Final Season", and "Jujutsu Kaisen". This only shop will be held to commemorate the 10th anniversary of MAPPA's establishment and the MAPPA SHOWCASE 10th ANNIVERSARY held in Tokyo. In commemoration of this event, we will also sell only shop commemorative products such as "Jujutsu Kaisen", "Attack on Titan The Final Season", "Zombie Land Saga Revenge", "Heion Sedai no Ida Tenda", and "RE-MAIN". […]
Announcement of “SEGA Collaboration Cafe Theatrical Version Sword Art Online -Progressive- Starless Night Aria”
Date: September 25th (Sat) -November 7th (Sun), 2021 During the period, you can enjoy original foods, desserts, drinks, etc. that are inspired by "Theatrical Version Sword Art Online -Progressive- Starless Night Aria". Also, if you order the original menu, you will get an "original coaster". At the item shop on the same floor, many original goods limited to Sega Collaboration Cafe will be on sale. GENDA SEGA Entertainment Co., Ltd. will open a cafe in collaboration with "Theatrical Version Sword Art Online -Progressive- Starless Night Aria" from Saturday, September 25, 2021 at SEGA Collaboration Cafe Akihabara Building No. 4 for a limited time. Open During the period, you can enjoy […]
A collaboration between A Opera and Sega stores! Announcement of “SEGA Limited A Opera Campaign 2nd”
Starts on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 "Aoppella!?-" Is a music original project by KLab Co., Ltd. We are pleased to announce that we will be offering limited prizes for A Opera at all 23 "SEGA stores" operated by GENDA SEGA Entertainment. In addition, we will hold various campaigns to commemorate the development of prizes. "Aoppella!?-" Is a music original project by KLab Co., Ltd. We are pleased to announce that we will be offering limited prizes for A Opera at all 23 "SEGA stores" operated by GENDA SEGA Entertainment. In addition, we will hold various campaigns to commemorate the development of prizes. [SEGA limited prizes are now available! ] During […]
Kyoto Animation Production: A collaboration cafe of TV animation “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S” x “Athome Cafe” will be held from September 1, 2021!
2nd collaboration information The popular TV anime "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S" will be held from September 1st (Wednesday) to September 30th (Thursday), 2021 at the maid cafe "Athome Cafe Main Store 7th Floor" in Akihabara. Held a collaboration cafe with. During the collaboration period, we will provide original menus and sell goods. The long-established maid cafe "Athome Cafe", which celebrated its 17th anniversary in August 2021, has been well received by collaborating with various characters and creators and contents. The collaboration cafe will be held this time for "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S," which is being broadcast for the second term from July 2021. Produced by Kyoto Animation, this […]
The first real store of the purely domestic outer brand “EDO COAT” will open on August 19, 2021 under the elevated “2k540” between JR Akihabara Station and Okachimachi Station!
Located under the railroad elevated between JR Akihabara Station and Okachimachi Station, at the commercial facility "2k540 AKI-OKA ARTISAN" with the concept of "Japanese manufacturing", "High quality" lifetime " The first actual store of "EDO COAT", a purely domestic outer brand that delivers "mono coats" to customers at a reasonable price, will open at 11:00 on August 19, 2021. What is "EDO COAT"? It is an apparel brand launched by Styletex Co., Ltd. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo / CEO Takeshi Nohara), which manufactures and sells purely domestic coats using high-quality fabrics born from the technology of the head office factory that has continued for 120 years. While more than 97% of the […]