[Author autographed comments with reproductions: of 27 pieces exhibiting & also raffle giveaways! What you can look back on a year from the “fairy Kiss” first is a must-see! To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the label “fairy Kiss” TL (teens love) in “2/27 (Monday), 芳林 books, including book fountain”, the fair will be held! Exhibition of reproductions exhibited at fairs in the past, of course, deployment of the latest titles & content can look back ever year since, such as the distribution of gifts or reprint Edition SS paper “fairy Kiss” must-see! < Fair information: Fair name: fairy Kiss anniversary Memorial in love and magic are greedy to the […]
Category: AKIBA NEWS
“WIXOSS-wiklos-” many new products! 2/27: 6 Wilkerson lie shop meeting from the (Monday)!
♦ Super may Lottery measures hit a rare “promo”! Popular trading card game “WIXOSS-Wik Los –” of related books three-point “selector stirred WIXOSS” and “Wik Los card encyclopedia VI”WIXOSS Bright Heart/Blight Hope”from hobby Japan to 2/2017 one after another published! To commemorate it, 2/27 (Monday) from the book fountain book Tower 8F, “No. 6 annual wiklosonly workshop” will be held! Our only store, books 3-point’s new book will be released in February, backlist books, old booster packs and decks and around the toy, CD, DVD and Blu-ray products will be sold. It is a lot of measures, “selector (wiklosplayer)” is not to be missed! -Policies (1): promo lottery! During the […]
2/4/2017 (Saturday) Volks akiha Hara hobby heaven, see Monster girl-ultra Monster anthropomorphic plan-“event” tusked tsunagaaru without Valentine in Volks akiha Hara hobby heaven “will be held!
Corporation wonder slow (Osaka, higashiosaka-Shi yokomakura Minami 1 – 25 – 1st floor) and then from 2/4/2017 (Saturday) 2/19/2017 (Sunday) up Volks akiha Hara hobby heaven held at “Monster girl-ultra Monster anthropomorphic plan-” event “tusked tsunagaaru without Valentine’s day in Volks akiha Hara hobby heaven” announcement of! Imagine new KAIJYU world, personify the quirky series return of Ultraman monsters and the ultra Monster personified project! Short animation of the popular “Monster girl-ultra Monster anthropomorphic plan-” of special events were held at the Volks akiha Hara hobby Heaven 2/4 (Saturday)! Spend Valentine’s day with daughter monsters? During the event in whole hobby heaven “Monster girl-ultra Monster anthropomorphic plan to” will Ferrell! […]
Mass zaksalad and new Grand menu “Gundam rice” appeared a Bauer Koo Parfait available in the GUNDAM Cafe
Co., Bandai official Cafe filled with entertainment and event & location Division, enjoy the view of the world as an information center for the Gundam “GUNDAM Cafe Gundam Akihabara” (Tokyo, Japan) and at the “GUNDAM SQUARE (Gundam square)” (Osaka) renewed throughout the Grand menu, 1/25/2017 (Wednesday). Each store limited menu are also available. < GUNDAM Cafe official website: http://g-cafe.jp/ < GUNDAM SQUARE official web site > http://gundam-square.jp/ New Grand menu excerpt (8% tax included) https://www.atpress.ne.jp/releases/120346/img_120346_1.jpg (From top left) a-Bauer-Koo-Parfait (734 yen), Gundam Curry (¥ 1058), halocachtel green (810 yen) char’s Zaku II rice (1058 yen), “acguy Curry” from the (lower left) (1058 yen), “mass zaksalad” (842 yen) ♦ content A […]
5/27~5/29 ~花の慶次から見る日本刀と侍箸の世界~開催
「花の慶次」侍箸発売記念!して展示&物販イベントを秋葉原にて開催 ホビーメーカー株式会社壽屋(本社:東京都立川市曙町/代表:清水一行)は、昨年夏に開催され大好評だった侍箸展を、今度は「花の慶次」とのコラボレーションでイベントを開催いたします。 特別企画として複製原画や花の慶次にまつわる展示・物販を行います。また、侍箸の新商品の紹介や展示もお楽しみいただけます。花の慶次×侍箸販売記念イベントとして煙管(きせる)箸と朱槍箸の先行販売及び花の慶次関連商品、複製原画や名場面パネル等の展示を予定。 【開催場所】 コトブキヤ秋葉原館 5Fイベントスペース[コトブキヤベース・アキバ] 〒101-0021東京都千代田区外神田1-8-8 TEL:03-5298-6300 【開催日時】 2016年5月27日(金)~5月29日(日) 10:00~20:00 【イベント概要】 【展示物詳細】 特大パネルや名場面パネル、さらには原哲夫先生直筆サイン入り複製原画を展示いたします。 また、コラボレーションの侍箸の展示や前田慶次の模造刀など注目度満点の内容で展示予定です。 【先行販売品】 ■花の慶次×侍箸 朱槍箸 / 花の慶次×侍箸 煙管(きせる)箸 各1,700円(税抜) 【花の慶次関連グッズ販売】会場にて花の慶次各種グッズ販売予定。 ※当イベントでは商品によっては取り扱いのないものもございます。ご了承お願い致します。 【プレゼントキャンペーン】 会期内にイベント会場にて花の慶次×侍箸製品含む2,000円以上ご購入のお客様へ、先着にて「花の慶次 ミニ色紙」をプレゼントいたします。 ※2種のうち1枚をランダムでの配布となります。無くなり次第終了となります。
Cat Samurai movie cast in popular, had the book fountain 1 became a store manager,! 5/22 (Sunday)
Place of sales only! Popular in the cat’s foot print on benefits of this real foot print card can not miss! 5/22 book fountain Grande renewal two year anniversary and book fountain book Tower opened 22 years to commemorate the anniversary book fountain “222 (gnangnangnan)” campaign start date, Wow, in popular Nya I this “conger eel” Chan book fountain 1 will be appointed, the Manager! Miniature sets that work on the day (? ) 1 Conger-CHAN, Manager of a camera and shooting will be held. Don’t miss the opportunities that can be directly Conger’s wildly popular in cat Samurai movie cast! Conger’s other media in the day at the venue-related […]
5/14 (Saturday)-5/15 (Sunday) b-1 Grand Prix cafeteria, event information! Hita tourism Festival IN Akihabara
-JR East Japan city development (Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) operated b-1 Grand Prix Diner’s 5/14 (Saturday)-5/15 held by: Hita tourism Festival IN Akihabara, 2 days of (Sunday), birthplace of the Hita Yakisoba and Oita Prefecture Hita city “Hita Yakisoba Research Association” are invited to. Located in the prefectures of Kumamoto Prefecture and Oita Prefecture Hita city in the Kumamoto earthquake repeated up to magnitude 5 tremor and aftershocks suffered, there was damage to roads and water supply. The introduction of oguni town in Kumamoto Prefecture next to Hita, and the introduction of regional tourism and festivals, popular souvenirs near the bun with enthusiasm in the event during the period of […]
New arcade game “live! School Idol Festival ~ after school ACTIVITY-‘ announcement of Roche test
Bush mo ‘ live! school Idol Festival. Bushiroad Inc. (Headquarters: Nakano-Ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Takaaki Kitani) is Square Enix Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President: Matsuda, y.,: Square Enix Co., Ltd.) and we have developed new arcade game, “live! School Idol Festival ~ after school ACTIVITY ~ “, 5/13/2016 (Friday)-5/15 (Sunday) and 5/27 (Friday)-announced location test 5/29 (Sunday) to be carried out in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka advance stores. Near of the Roche test held stores come he would inform the. “Love live! School Idol Festival ~ after school ACTIVITY-“, Bushiroad Inc. and KLab Inc. Smartphone (iOS/Android™) for the delivery, and So far has topped the domestic […]
Entertainment dining 5-27 character theme “calculo” No. 5 Elasto-cafe & bar CHARACRO (calculo) feat. Yowamushi pedal open
Namco Ltd. (Minato-ku, Tokyo), enjoying drinks, meals and entertainment in the world work with food and Beverage facilities see Café & bar CHARACRO (characro)”new tie-up shop” Cafe & bar CHARACRO feat. Yowamushi pedal “2016 年 5 月 23 日 (Friday), will be opened in Akihabara, Tokyo. “Café & bar CHARACRO” is Namco expands to new 10/2013 anime theme-oriented entertainment dining, so far has opened three stores in Ikebukuro, Tokyo and Akihabara. The concept of cross-over space in the real world and the world of work, in addition to the original food & beverage, merchandise sales, world production and entertainment through immersion into the work world and the sense of unity […]
This summer experience the trend “French BBQ”! REALBBQ x provides a bell curve for a limited time “French BBQ” menu
4/26 (Tuesday), web-booking opens. REALBBQ co., Ltd., specializing in BBQ-related production business, Bell anticipated Japon co., Ltd. from collaborating with the launch in snacks cheese cubes “bell curve”, in the summer of 2016, and BBQ a big trend, “French BBQ” menu 5/10/2016 (Tuesday) 8/10 (Wednesday) for a limited time offers. Free appetizers “French BBQ” menu, colorful and perfect for the wine “bell curve” are available. Calm adults ‘French BBQ”menu, where you can enjoy and enjoy pair by Charter type BBQ Park”REALBBQ PARK”all 11 store (sendagaya, daikanyama, Otsuka, Ginza, Akihabara, omote-Sando, Kanda, Oshiage, Shibuya miyamasuzaka, East Japan bridge, Akasaka). Prior to sale “REALBBQ PARK” website today 4/26 (Tuesday) open for reservation […]