4/29/2016, Tokyo, Akihabara “cave Festival daiundoukai-sweat, tears, and Bulma-” will be held.
On the day of the “Gothic magical girl-your contract very quickly! -“Sale of original products and the various stage events and mini-events such as scheduled.
Admission free, so please come by.
Original Idol song “is a US-magical girl ☆” CD release!
“Gothic magical girl-your contract very quickly! -‘ Original Idol song in the game during the one-year anniversary at the commemorative event [glitter favor celebrity election] quest BGM has also become “is our magical maiden ☆” on CD, which will be sold on the Festival day of cave.
You can listen in the song, but the song was only one chorus in the background music quest.
Become an exclusive CD, of course, got dating wind-chorus version, karaoke version, maidens or free voice of the original Idol song.
Please purchase on the will be sold in limited quantities and limited venue, so take a look at our booth.
Original Idol song “is a US-magical girl ☆” PV:
Other details of event content and products are official cave Festival website order is coming soon.
* 4/1-4/29 between scheduled updates 4 times.
“Cave Festival daiundoukai-sweat, tears, and Bulma-” official site URL
“Cave Festival daiundoukai-sweat, tears, and Bulma-” General information
Date and time: 4/29/2016 (Friday) 10:00-18:00 (planned)
Venue: Akihabara, Tokyo / Akihabara first floor event Hall
* Admission free
♦ General overview
[Title] “Gothic magical girl-your contract very quickly! ~』
[Genre] game
[Delivery format: Smartphone apps [iOS], [Android] delivery in
[Recommended system]
iOS version 6.0 or later
iPhone 5 or later
3 iPad, iPad 4
Air iPad and iPad Air 2
iPad mini, mini iPad 2, iPad mini 3
iPod touch is not supported.
(2 GB or more Terminal recommended) Android 4.1 or higher, more than RAM:1 G
The quad-core CPU recommended
* In some cases for application stability and speed, CPU performance and screen resolution affects the CPU Quad-less device resolution is low and stable.
* Some models are not compatible.
[The right notation: © 2015 CAVE Interactive CO., LTD.
[Game URL:
[iOS] https://iTunes.Apple.com/JP/app/id924726102?Mt=8
[Android] https://play.Google.com/store/apps/details?ID=JP.co.cave.mahouotome
[Price] basics free part item pricing
♦ official site URL:
♦ PV
♦ official Twitter URL:
@ mahouotome_info
♦ official blog
♦ Cave co., Ltd.
Cave co., Ltd. will expand the online entertainment business under the concept of “the cave and the future will have more fun”, mobile-friendly computer games through the rich and attractive lifestyle to offer to people around the world.